A woman who will seek out the Lord with all of her heart. Call upon the Lord for guidance. Cry out to Him for wisdom.


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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

>> credits:
layout. www.serendipityq.com

Monday, January 31, 2005

when you look forward to something and it doesn't happen....your heart just breaks...or at least it feels that way....You know?

posted by AshbyInLove @ 5:16 PM 1 comments


Saturday, January 29, 2005

you are like a delicate flower in the hands of your Creator...

Have faith like a child...

wait for the Lord to open the doors before you try to open them yourself...

God's timing is best...Trust me I am learning that myself, along with you...

Allow HIM to captivate you...take your breath away before you allow anyone else to...I am experiencing that...God is amazing....His Love is nothing like anyone else...

You are his Bride..His Beloved

posted by AshbyInLove @ 10:36 PM 0 comments


Have you ever dreamed of something hoping it could come sooner not really sure what it is going to be? That is where I am right now...I know it is going to be special...I keep being told that, but there is just a part of me that really wants to know...you know? God has given me so much...I have truly been given a treasure...if you truly have to ask what that treasure is...you should ask yourself this question: what is that treasure? It isn't a what, but a who?...this person knows what I am talking about...no worries...The Lord is holding me close to His heart ...Things is going to happen when He feels we are ready for this change in our lives to come...when we have finished what He has called us to do at this time in our lives. I thank God daily for what He has given me!

Father, do I truly deserve this kind of love? Why do I?

Dear Daughter; my Bride; my Beloved,   You are my treasure. Stop allowing thoughts of how you don't feel you deserve this love. You have trusted me to bring you love and here I have given it to you. Now, you don't think you deserve it?! Why? You are my Princess! You came to me in prayer asking to have someone who loves Me and follows Me. What more can you ask for? He loves Me with all his heart and always will...he will show the children you have together the love I have for them...the unconditional love I have for them...and so will you. You will show them My love through the way you live your life. Trust me and allow me to lead you every step of the way.

Father, Sometimes it hurts...there are times I want to know EVERYTHING. ... It just never happens...anyway, I thank you for listening to my prayer I prayed for for so long...the prayer I never thought would be answer, because I never thought there was someone out there who would love me in the way You love the Church...I guess I was wrong to think that, because You have opened my eyes and have given me someone with everything I prayed for and more...

Be blessed! There are times when the Lord gives you more then you have ever wanted...that applies to every area in your life...not just relationships. College, jobs, church, dreams....and so on...Trust Him in everything!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:51 AM 0 comments


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

New Update:

I am now attending college...ALL paid for...but let me tell you this story. How? I had received my income tax check in the mail while I was in Canada...so that is what I used to pay for college...my dad had enough to help me cover the rest...so yeah, I'm going to college now....in hopes that God will provide the money for the rest of my textbooks... I KNOW HE WILL!!!

I went to my first class tonight. I didn't know what book I needed first and how much it would be, so I talked to my instructor about it. After talking for awhile and sharing with her that I didn't have enough money for the book she offered to lend me her copy...yeah, I will be using the Instructor's copy of the book...the first book at least.  Praise the Lord!!!

I will be going to talk with someone at Chick-fil-a about an interview tomorrow...pray...please... I am in need of a job. If you haven't read my last post...my dad lost his job...so an income is very important to have in this family...Thx!

I would like to thank those of you who prayed for me about attending college and the funds for the classes...your prayer were heard and followed through to completion...God is GOOD!!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:17 AM 0 comments


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

What do you dream on doing with your life? What is stopping you?

Is it what God has called you to do?

What has God called you to do?

Are you doing that?

If not, are you doing anything to get to where God would desire you to be?

Ladies and Gentlemen, We tend to allow tiny things to get in the way of BIG dreams...why do we do that? I don't know, but I do know this...I ALMOST allowed Satan to win one battle today...I had almost given up on something I knew God wanted me to do with my life.

Well, Satan DID NOT win that battle. What does he have next under his sleeves?...I don't know, but to be honest I don't care...God is right by my side and holds my hand every step of the way. Stand strong, Beloved of God...Don't give up!!!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 2:10 AM 0 comments


For you all wanting to know what is going on in my life...

I registered for college today (more like yesterday...lol) Problem: I need $200 more to pay for my classes.

I received a call from my church about the Student ministry....I will be calling them back...I missed the call today...booo! I wish I had answered th phone today...Oh well. there is always tomorrow...

I will be checking with Chick-fila (spelling?) tomorrow about an interview....pray for me...I need a job.

Things are opening up for me...God is good...SO GOOD!

As for the MOST important news, God is really streching my family right now...my dad lost his job...my mom really needs a better paying job(works ar a child care center). Things are tight around here. If anyone would like to help my family out financially....email me and I can tell you more details and give you my mailing address so you will be able to mail cash donations (money orders). Please don't do this unless the Lord is leading you to...if you are unable to help financially, prayers would bring a smile on to our faces....things are tough and it gets hard to smile sometimes...Thx everyone! 

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:56 AM 0 comments


Monday, January 24, 2005

Who is this man?...

My love, My prince, and My future mate

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:02 AM 0 comments


Saturday, January 22, 2005

leaving someone you want to spend the rest of your life with is hard...talking to him and having to say good night not being able to hug or kiss him is the hardest thing I have ever been through. I love you, Chris, more then I have ever loved someone.
I begin to think about our life together...the future...and I smile...and cry at the same time...sometimes I only wish it were now and that we didn't feel the need to wait...you know what I mean? I have no doubt you do...but God has it all worked out and it will be perfect...the best timing in our lives.
A great father someday...guiding his daughter to the Creator, by the way he lives his life and loves his wife...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:22 AM 0 comments


Friday, January 21, 2005

I just got back from the airport. My heart aches and I'm unsure how to explain the feeling. I left my love today...early this morning. There is this feeling within me I have never had before. The feeling I left something behind...I did...I left you! I know you couldn't come with me, but someday you will and never leave. The time will come sooner then we both think. Just remember why we had to say our goodbyes. The first one was hard, but we will get through it with the strength the Lord will/has give us.

We know why we had to say our goodbyes...we have things to do...things God has told us to do before we start our lives together. The thing that keeps me going is the fact I have a true reason to save money and do my best in school. The reason is God has called me to do it and has opened my eyes and has shown me why it is important. I have a reason to save up money...

Ok, I need to get some sleep I have been in a airport for about 15 hours. I will quickly explain what happened: I waited at the gate for my flight to Toronto...it was delayed. I had already said my goodbyes to Chris...so you guessed right...I missed him and wished he was holding my hand or giving me a kiss goodbye again... BUT, we had been given much extra time...I will explain that in another post, but today was an adventure in itself. So, like I said earlier in this post my flight to Toromto was delayed...yes, I missed my connecting flight to Houston. SOOO, I stayed in the Toronto airport for 7 HOURS before the next flight into Houston. yeah, I say my goodbyes TO CHRIS at 8:30AM and say my goodbyes TO CANADA at 8:40PM. A total of 12 hours difference!!! So, yeah, if this post doesn't make since you will all know why. I am very sleepy and I am going to bed now.  *sleepy*

Chris, I love you!...like mad
I am sooo glad I talked to you tonight. I miss you, my love

Stay focused, ok? Remember why we had to say our goodbyes...we WILL see each other again...SOONER then we think...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:25 AM 0 comments


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Here are the pictures many of you (my friends) have been waiting forever to see...same goes for me...been waiting FOREVER. j/k  We...Chris and I...had Chuck (Chris' roommate) take some of us together. And Chris took the ones of me and I took the ones of him. I hope you all like them as much as we enjoyed having them taken.  

Yes, I am still in Canada...long story...but I was supposed to be home yesterday...then today...now tomorrow. Trust me when I have the time to tell you all the details I will. It was quite funny... Chris and I have been having a few laughs as to how hard and strange to has been trying to get me back to Texas...trust it is worth waiting to hear about. I won't tell til I get back to Texas. Right now I am playing FFXI and I am at level 10...YEY!!  Tell me what you think about the pictures and my new profile pic, ok? Anyway, Later Friends!!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 4:14 PM 0 comments


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What do you fear?

"The FEAR OF LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."

"FEAR THE LORD and shun evil..."

What is it that you fear that God can not handle? GOD, can handle ANYTHING which heads His way and ours!! We just need to trust in His almighty power...power which we can not comprehend in our human minds...which He created.

What do you live in fear of? It should be God...but for some of us, it is NOT...why NOT? Can ANYONE answer this question?

Some of us live in fear of losing love...hope...dreams...anything WE think makes us who we are...our identity is in Christ...Have you already forgotten? Not in what we do or anything of this world...

but the thing is we are to love the Lord and live in Holy fear of His almighty power. He created each and every one of us and can take us out of this world in an instant, but there is something we are here for...a purpose...what we need to do is to find that purpose and run after it with all our hearts. Have you sought the Lord and asked Him to reveal His purpose for your life? If He has, are you running after it with all your heart?

I ask myself that question very often...and sad to say the least the answer would be "no". I had a wakeup call not to long ago and it hit me...I am not pushing as hard as I could be to the calling the Lord has placed before me. I have a few years left before me until I make a life changing decision...what will I do with that time?

Go to college...finish, if God allows it...

Get a job...work hard to glorify and honor God...

teach and be taught...by the younger generation...

The younger generation is crying out for guidance...are we (my generation) going to sit back and let them keep searching when we know what they need? Or are we going to walk into battle and fight for them to come to the understanding that they have hope, mercy, grace, and love through Christ? It is upto YOU...what will YOU do about it?

posted by AshbyInLove @ 3:40 PM 0 comments


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Satan is hungry for blood. Your blood! Yes, I said your blood, but mine as well.

What are you doing to fight against him?

This is going to be the BIGGEST battle you will ever see in your life.

Are you going to be able to stand strong?

You know who will win, but that doesn't give you reason to slide back and not get ready for the battle.

Are you doing what you can to be prepared?

Seek His face...daily ask Him for wisdom...

What if Satan placed a gun to your head and told you to kneel and worship him and you would live, would you do it? Would you leave the Lord's side just because you were scared? Why? Even if you know who will win, that is how some of you(me included) go through life. Something happens which changes your life forever and you just give up...what are you thinking? We must trust in the One who made us... Stand strong, my Brothers and Sisters! Run to the Lord...He is the Almighty!!!

Don't give into the lies of the world! Fight for the lost souls of the world...whatever your calling is we are all called to share the gospel. What are you doing with your life?

Reach out to the Light! Allow the Light to shine within you...what are you doing to shine the Light?

posted by AshbyInLove @ 11:16 PM 0 comments


Monday, January 03, 2005

Are you walking with HIM today?

Dear Daughter of God,

What is it you are searching for? Why are you changing yourself to get what you think you need? You are just perfect the way I made you...make no changes to get the attention of anyone...you have stolen My heart with your eyes..."You have ravished my heart, My sister, my spouse; You have ravished my heart With one look of your eyes, With one link of your necklace." - SofS 4:9 With Me by your side you are never alone. Seek me and I will guide you to "the one" who will love you here on earth.Wait for Me to guide you to "the one" who will be the spiritual leader in your family.

Ladies, Wait for the Lord to open that door. Trust me...we think sometimes that we have everything handled, but to be honest we have no idea truly what we need. The character, personality, and passion for the Lord we would truly need in our husband to be. I thought I knew what I wanted in a husband..and God has given me so much more. I couldn't have asked for better...The wait is worth every second...knowing God has placed this person into your life is amazing and most of all a God send...God walked him into my life and He can do the same for you. Just don't stop walking through life fearing that you will miss the chance of meeting that mystery guy...God will walk you onto that path at the time He feels you will handle it with maturity and wisdom...and the guy is waiting for you just the same...

One thing I would like to say...Don't lose focus on what the Lord has called you to do with your life...the guy will come at the right time...for your life and his life as well. also the Lord could be preparing him...you might be ready, but the guy may not be...pray for him...he might not even be saved yet...pray for his salvation...he might be falling back...pray for him the return to Christ...much pray is to go into this part of your life...

About 3 years ago I broke up with a guy I thought I would marry..boy was I blind to what the Lord was doing in the life of my love...He had just come to know Christ...A new believer...growing...I praise the Lord for opening his eyes...Pray for your future husband, Ladies! They need our prayers...they will be the spiritual leaders of this generation and they need to know we are behind them the whole way...even before we knew them...I have no doubt they would do the same for you as well...I know he did for me... 

A woman who walks with the Lord is what they are praying for...I long to be the daughter, sister, wife and mother God had created me to be...what about you? I am praying for you, ladies...Stand Strong!!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 9:03 PM 0 comments


 (actual picture of water coming upon the countries)

I believe everyone has heard about the tsunami which hit South Asia...I could have been there. I had planned on going overseas, but the Lord opened another door. Interesting how things work out when we allow the Lord to lead us. I only pray I will someday be able to help those people hit so hard by this event. I pray for everyone who has lost someone. Family, friends, and even those people could have been saved, but just didn't make it. 

It didn't come real to me until I watched the news on the event on how easily I could have been there right in the middle. I praise the Lord for leading me here...where I am right now in my life.

Is there something you have been set on doing, but the Lord has told you to wait? He could be protecting you from something similar to this event or worst or completely different. We will never know for sure. Praise Him for where you are right now...Pursue Him with all your heart!

Have you done what you can to help those hit by the tsunami? It will not go unnotice in the eyes of the Lord.

Heb. 6:10
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown
him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."


on a lighter note...It is AMAZING to think it has only been 4 months since Chris and I made the decision to start a courtship. The past 4 months have been great...so many memories have been made...

Chris and I had many memories of times together even before we started the courtship...

Remember when we first met(,Chris?)...hehehe the commitment banquet...I can never forget what our first conversation was about...the name plates...mine was the only one which didn't have the last name...lol yes, that is how it all started...


LamadOhana!! Chris and I were in the same brother/sister core...So, many memories with events we had together. I miss everyone!! Drop me a line when you can...ok? Let me know what the Lord has been doing in your life...I love you all very much...

Houston ATF...lol Enough said there...hehehe Marsh and Chris should know what I am talking about...even April would too...lol OUCH!!!  my mouth hurts...lol lol

and here I am with a great guy who knows how to take great care of me when I am sick (my dad talked to him a little and gave him some advice and Chris did the best he could, and might I add he did a great job )...I am MUCH better then I was yesterday...actually all better...I can eat food now..YEY!!! I like food!!

Is there anything I could pray for? I would like to know what has been going on in your life...YES, you! If you are reading this you are most likely a good friend or someone I know. What has been going on in your life? I would like to know...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 4:16 PM 0 comments
