A woman who will seek out the Lord with all of her heart. Call upon the Lord for guidance. Cry out to Him for wisdom.


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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

>> credits:
layout. www.serendipityq.com

Monday, January 03, 2005

 (actual picture of water coming upon the countries)

I believe everyone has heard about the tsunami which hit South Asia...I could have been there. I had planned on going overseas, but the Lord opened another door. Interesting how things work out when we allow the Lord to lead us. I only pray I will someday be able to help those people hit so hard by this event. I pray for everyone who has lost someone. Family, friends, and even those people could have been saved, but just didn't make it. 

It didn't come real to me until I watched the news on the event on how easily I could have been there right in the middle. I praise the Lord for leading me here...where I am right now in my life.

Is there something you have been set on doing, but the Lord has told you to wait? He could be protecting you from something similar to this event or worst or completely different. We will never know for sure. Praise Him for where you are right now...Pursue Him with all your heart!

Have you done what you can to help those hit by the tsunami? It will not go unnotice in the eyes of the Lord.

Heb. 6:10
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown
him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."


on a lighter note...It is AMAZING to think it has only been 4 months since Chris and I made the decision to start a courtship. The past 4 months have been great...so many memories have been made...

Chris and I had many memories of times together even before we started the courtship...

Remember when we first met(,Chris?)...hehehe the commitment banquet...I can never forget what our first conversation was about...the name plates...mine was the only one which didn't have the last name...lol yes, that is how it all started...


LamadOhana!! Chris and I were in the same brother/sister core...So, many memories with events we had together. I miss everyone!! Drop me a line when you can...ok? Let me know what the Lord has been doing in your life...I love you all very much...

Houston ATF...lol Enough said there...hehehe Marsh and Chris should know what I am talking about...even April would too...lol OUCH!!!  my mouth hurts...lol lol

and here I am with a great guy who knows how to take great care of me when I am sick (my dad talked to him a little and gave him some advice and Chris did the best he could, and might I add he did a great job )...I am MUCH better then I was yesterday...actually all better...I can eat food now..YEY!!! I like food!!

Is there anything I could pray for? I would like to know what has been going on in your life...YES, you! If you are reading this you are most likely a good friend or someone I know. What has been going on in your life? I would like to know...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 4:16 PM


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