A woman who will seek out the Lord with all of her heart. Call upon the Lord for guidance. Cry out to Him for wisdom.


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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

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layout. www.serendipityq.com

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What do you fear?

"The FEAR OF LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."

"FEAR THE LORD and shun evil..."

What is it that you fear that God can not handle? GOD, can handle ANYTHING which heads His way and ours!! We just need to trust in His almighty power...power which we can not comprehend in our human minds...which He created.

What do you live in fear of? It should be God...but for some of us, it is NOT...why NOT? Can ANYONE answer this question?

Some of us live in fear of losing love...hope...dreams...anything WE think makes us who we are...our identity is in Christ...Have you already forgotten? Not in what we do or anything of this world...

but the thing is we are to love the Lord and live in Holy fear of His almighty power. He created each and every one of us and can take us out of this world in an instant, but there is something we are here for...a purpose...what we need to do is to find that purpose and run after it with all our hearts. Have you sought the Lord and asked Him to reveal His purpose for your life? If He has, are you running after it with all your heart?

I ask myself that question very often...and sad to say the least the answer would be "no". I had a wakeup call not to long ago and it hit me...I am not pushing as hard as I could be to the calling the Lord has placed before me. I have a few years left before me until I make a life changing decision...what will I do with that time?

Go to college...finish, if God allows it...

Get a job...work hard to glorify and honor God...

teach and be taught...by the younger generation...

The younger generation is crying out for guidance...are we (my generation) going to sit back and let them keep searching when we know what they need? Or are we going to walk into battle and fight for them to come to the understanding that they have hope, mercy, grace, and love through Christ? It is upto YOU...what will YOU do about it?

posted by AshbyInLove @ 3:40 PM


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