For you all wanting to know what is going on in my life...
I registered for college today (more like Problem: I need $200 more to pay for my classes.
I received a call from my church about the Student ministry....I will be calling them back...I missed the call today...booo! I wish I had answered th phone today...Oh well. there is always tomorrow...
I will be checking with Chick-fila (spelling?) tomorrow about an interview....pray for me...I need a job.
Things are opening up for me...God is good...SO GOOD!
As for the MOST important news, God is really streching my family right dad lost his mom really needs a better paying job(works ar a child care center). Things are tight around here. If anyone would like to help my family out me and I can tell you more details and give you my mailing address so you will be able to mail cash donations (money orders). Please don't do this unless the Lord is leading you to...if you are unable to help financially, prayers would bring a smile on to our faces....things are tough and it gets hard to smile sometimes...Thx everyone!