A woman who will seek out the Lord with all of her heart. Call upon the Lord for guidance. Cry out to Him for wisdom.


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May 2004
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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

>> credits:
layout. www.serendipityq.com

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

As it works out...I will not be coming to the Januaries graduation.  Reason being the cheapest plane ticket to buy was on December 16th...If people I know are going...please tell everyone how much I would have loved to have been there...The reason I am going to Canada on December 16th is because Chris' mother purchased my ticket online and they are paying for it ...at least half of it.  It worked out better for them to purchase it there and for me to pick up my ticket at the airport in Houston.  Sorry friend  ...But I am very excited about seeing Chris for the holidays  ...  I will be there starting December 16th to January 4th...I CAN'T WAIT!!!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 8:57 PM 0 comments


Hey Everyone, I am taking a break right now...I am in the middle of writing my LAST english paper, for this semester at least...I would like to be in a Creative Writing class next semester by the same teacher, Dr Oaks.  He is a great teacher and makes the class fun to be in every day.  I just thought I would drop in and post something.  Right now I have 1 page.  I only started writing it a few minutes ago.  The ideas are just flowing right onto the paper.  Please be praying the paper flows even better and that I can get it done and have it sound good......It only has to be 2 1/2 pages...maybe 4.  I am going for 2 1/2.  Talk to you all later!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:53 PM 0 comments


Monday, November 29, 2004

SAD NEWS...It doesn't look like I will be able to come for the Januaries graduation. Why are they having it on a WEEK DAY?
We don't have many cars in our family and my mom works the whole week and would need the car. My dad will be having performances all week for "A Christmas Carol".
January friends, I plan on coming up the last weekend you have at HA. For the ones I don't get to see while I am there. I will miss you all VERY MUCH... I love everyone of you!! Please comment and leave any contact info...ok? I want to keep in touch with as many of you as I can...this really breaks my heart...*crying* Later, Friends!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 11:16 PM 1 comments


Proverbs 1
vs. 2-7 - "for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discertion to the young - let the wise listen and add to their laerning, and let the discerning get guidance - for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."

vs. 33 - "...whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm."

posted by AshbyInLove @ 2:08 AM 0 comments


Sunday, November 28, 2004

This post is for one of my missionaries who went to New York with me this summer. Ian!!! I can't believe how long it has been since the mission trip. Thanks for the comment. :) Email me sometime: stolengirl@gmail.com. I would like to know how things are going...I wil call you sometime. Cool? Yes, I have your number...the contact list that Issac put together has really helped out. Later friend!

and HEY EVERYONE, My parents have offered to pay for a one way ticket to Canada. I am hoping Chris can cover the other half, so I can come back home...hehehe It is most likely possible. He already has half of the money. I don't think he will have any trouble with paying for it. Talk to you all soon!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:57 AM 0 comments


Saturday, November 27, 2004

God is so faithful and will provide what we NEED...Wow, I have seen it with my own eyes...Thank you, Father, for everything You have given me...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 4:38 PM 1 comments


"Treasure what you have NOW, because you will never have this time again in your life. Hold close the memories you have together, because they will be something you will cherish as time goes by." - Leigh-Anne Walston

Hehehe, I enjoy so much to talk on the phone with Chris...I have talked to him on the phone twice this week.  Awh, he is so awesome.  He makes me feel so special...  He makes me laugh ALOT...lol  I adore him so much. Seeing him, I will have a smile on my face for months.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 2:33 PM 0 comments


Friday, November 26, 2004

I would like to tell everyone in a relationship or pursuing a relationship. I am praying for you...Also if you could be praying for Chris and myself. Thanks! I will most likely be able to see him for Christmas...I am so excited. I pray you all will enjoy your holidays with the one you love.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 7:02 PM 0 comments


I just was talking to someone online (chat.teenmania.com) who is thinking about suicide. PLEASE be praying for her. Along with myself there was another girl talking to her. We decided to ask "L" if she would come back on tomorrow and talk. "L" said, "if I am alive." Please lift our sister in prayer...She needs to feel the Lord's love in her life. Many things are going on in her life, which I will not disclose within this post. She is hurting and bitter...And this is another girl I talked to last night.

This is not the same girl I talked about in a previous post. Please be praying for both of them.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 3:31 AM 1 comments


Thursday, November 25, 2004

I don't like to offend anyone. If I have ever offended you I am very sorry. Will you forgive me? I pray that you will.


posted by AshbyInLove @ 11:00 PM 0 comments


Things have changed around here. We had Thanksgiving here at home this year. As a family we ate turkey and all the trimings. It was wonderful to be home this year.

Many important people were missed, but we made it through.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 10:13 PM 0 comments



Have a great blessed day with relatives and family. I know I will! I will soon tell you all all about. Later!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:46 PM 0 comments


Wow, people are hurting in this world...ALOT! And what are we doing about it. I was talking to someone on chat.teenmania.com and she is very bitter. I offended her just by saying I would pray for her. I prayed for her right then and she said she was getting off. Please be praying for her. She really needs prayer. She has many problems if which I will not name. This really broke my heart like you wouldn't believe...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:56 AM 0 comments


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

     Thankgiving will just be my family. We have never had Thanksgiving at our house before. We have always gone out of town or something. We had planned to stay in Houston and have Thanksgiving with my grandparents, but they are going out of town and we weren't told. Oh well! It is about time that we start making our own traditions around here. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for taking your time and reading this. I might be making another site just for Bible verses, but not really sure.

     I just think it would take too much of my time and what's wrong with posting verses here... hmmm... What do you all think? I think I just talked myself out of it anyway. lol later everyone. I am going to go play Risk with Ryan, my little 13 year old brother.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 7:23 PM 0 comments


This picture makes me laugh. It is a picture of a baby girl and boy crawling to each other face to face. I just love children. They are soooo cute!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:29 AM 0 comments


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I like...
to receive flowers
walks in the park
playing in the snow
talking to close friends
hot coco by the fireplace with a loved one

and these are just a few of my favorite things...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 6:46 PM 0 comments


I will be a Lady of Diligence

I will work hard towards my calling. I will seek the Lord with all my heart, so I will be able to tell people what is most important in their lives. I most have it first myself before I tell others to have it themselves.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:16 AM 0 comments


Monday, November 22, 2004

The weather here is horrible.  Be praying the severe weather calms down.

Guess what everyone!?!? Chris' mom gave him $300 canadians bucks for my trip there. It looks like my plans for going there for Christmas are coming into view. I am SOOO excited!!! I can't wait to meet the family. :) :) It really sounds like they want to meet me...hehehe Talk to you all later!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 3:57 PM 0 comments


It is amazing how when you read the Bible it is exactly what you need to hear that exact minute. Take some time and read these verses.  I pray they encourage you as they did me with any situation you might be going through. God loves you very much and wants you to know that and have no doubts. 

Psalms 16:11 "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

Psalm 17:15 "And I - in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness."

Psalm 18:16-19 "He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.  He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me.  They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me."

Psalm 20:4-5 "May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests."

Psalm 21:6-7 "Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. For the king trusts in the Lord; through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken."

Psalm 1:8 "Ask of me, and I will make nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession."  

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:21 AM 0 comments


Saturday, November 20, 2004

Father, Can I have help opening this door?
I want to see what is outside.
I can only see it for the inside...can I go out?
Help me!
Do I need to step out into the world I did know much about now?
Or well you give me the understanding and peace I need to make it through?
I strongly believe you wouldn't allow me to go outside if You didn't think I was ready.
I don't think I am ready, but You could think I am.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 3:26 AM 0 comments


Friday, November 19, 2004

Life is going good. I have been looking into attending Grand Canyon University in Spring or Fall 2006. I am looking over the classes right now to see exactly what major would be best for the field I desire to receive a degree in. As this point in time I plan on getting a major in Christian Studies and minor in Writing/Journalism. Along with all this, I will be talking with someone from GCU about what classes, either at Willowchase and/or online, would be best to take while attending a community college before transferring over to GCU. 

Please be praying for me. I am also filling out the FAFSA form. I am in real need of a large amount of financial aid and scholarships. I am paying for all my college, and will be taking more classes at Willowchase in Spring and Fall of 2005. Thanks for all your prayer. They are heart felt.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 11:33 PM 0 comments


     This post is for a friend named Trina. I love this girl so much. She is someone I can talk to and she isn't afraid to tell it like it is. She told me something a while back about someone (of whom I hold dear to my heart) and how something was going to happen. Well, she was right and I had no idea what she was talking about or at least not then. Keep praying Trina for me and the "someone".  Many people already know who I am talking about, but few know what is going on...but right now it is between myself, him, and the Lord. Once we know what exactly it is we will let you all know... Trina, I think you might be right...hehehe Ask me later what I am talking about, ok?

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:54 AM 0 comments


Thursday, November 18, 2004

I would like to take this time to thank you all for praying for my friend who got married. She told her parents, but they weren't happy to hear it. I look at it this way they know now. Still be praying for that family and that they work everything out.

I am still looking for a job, but I really don't want one. I would really like to be able to fully focus on school.  God has so much money out there for me. So, I have taken some time to fill out my FAFSA to see how much financial aid and  how many grants I could get for next semester and maybe money back from this semester...Please pray everything works out. Time will only tell. I am paying for college out of my own pocket and right now next spring isn't looking very promising...It will have to be paid through financial aid, scholarships, and grants. really! I would like to be able to take four classes next semester...I am definitely going to work harder.

Also, Chris won't be coming down for Thanksgiving, and I am okay about it. Really! It will work out better.  He said he will be able to help me with my plane ticket for Christmas. I feel God worked it all out better then we even thought. Now I will, with no doubt, be able to go the Canada for Christmas and met his family. I am so excited!!!

Thanks for your prayers! The Lord is soo good at working things out...hehehe

posted by AshbyInLove @ 3:32 PM 0 comments


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

While I was having my quiet time last night and this is was the Psalm of the day:
here is some verses which helped me out ALOT!

Psalm 16

. This verse breaks my heart:
vs.4 "The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods."

. God is my Provider: Financial security
vs.5 "Lord, you have assigned me any portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure."

. I have an inheritance beyond what I can ask or imagine:
vs.6 "The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

. I have been lead to stay up and read the Word:
vs.7 "I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; at night my heart instructs me."

. I have no need to be stressed:
vs.9 "Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure."

. I must seek the Lord daily to be refreshed in His presence and drowned in His love:
vs.11 "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures of your right hand."

No stress here! Praise the Lord!!!! He is soooo faithful.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 10:55 PM 0 comments


Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Life is tough right now...REALLY tough.  Father, all I ask is that You open a door.  Two doors if possible and ask me to chose one, but right now I don't have anything.  Things are so hard for me right now. Not just about the possiblity of not seeing Chris, but just life in general.  Tickets and college to pay for, but the money not being there can cause people to stress out.  Yes, that is where I am.  I am stressed and my face shows it.  I know one thing my parents wish so much is to help me, but they are barely getting by with all they have to pay for much less be able to help me. 

I have no doubt God is preparing me for my future, but why does it have to be like this?  He has called me to speak to the Church and un-Churched, and that I will have to depend on them for mission's support.  Never in my mind did I think it would be so hard to fully depend on God and others.  I can't do anything about any of these situations right now.  They are in the hands of God and my future employers . 

posted by AshbyInLove @ 7:37 PM 0 comments


Fun times are going to be had...when I see him...he is like a brother, my best friend, and much more...I love him! Lord, I pray I can see him. I miss him so...

I am looking for a job. Michael told me about applying at Cy-Fair Food services...I am going to check into that tomorrow. Pray everything can work out. If I can get a job there I would be off the same days as all the teachers and students. Such as Thanksgiving and Christmas(and any other holiday they might have). The schools have two weeks(or so) off for Christmas and if I can save up some money I could be in Canada for two to three weeks. Please be praying for me tomorrow. Thanks everyone!!!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:43 AM 0 comments


Monday, November 15, 2004

Send Your blessings, Oh Father! We only want what You so desire for us, but all we ask is, "Can we see each other?" We cry out to You!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 5:47 PM 0 comments


Sunday, November 14, 2004

This is the song Micah, my cousin-in-law, sang to Robin, my cousin, as she walked down the isle the day they got married. Hearing this song makes me cry. Oh, how I wish I could hear this song come from the mouth of the one I marry or hear it in the background as I walk the isle. Robin, I wish you read this...I am so happy to hear about your new developments. I pray the Lord's protection over you and Micah as you prepare to move to California. We will miss you very much, but it is the Lord's will...not every day you get presented with a promotion two times. I am glad you both are stepping out in faith.

Here is the song I was talking about...maybe you all have heard it...

I Will Be Here by Steven Curtis Chapman

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the sun does not appear
I, I will be here
If in the dark we lose sight of love
Hold my hand and have no fear
'Cause I, I will be here

I will be here
When you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind
I will listen
And I will be here
When the laughter turns to crying
Through the winning, losing and trying
We'll be together
'Cause I will be here

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the future is unclear
I, I will be here
As sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes are made for these years
So I, I will be here

I will be here
So you can cry on my shoulder
When the mirror tells us we're older
I will hold you
And I will be here
To watch you grow in beauty
And tell you all the things you are to me
I will be here, hmmm

I will be true to the promise I have made
To you and to the One who gave you to me

And just as sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes are made for these years
So I, I will be here
We'll be together
I will be here

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:15 AM 0 comments


Saturday, November 13, 2004

 My prayers go out to you...and this song is for you... 


by Larue

I don't know if you're near or far away
But I know that I'm thinking of you today
I don't know if I even know your name
But I know that I'm praying for you just the same

Someday we'll fall in love
You'll be mine and I will be yours
Our hearts will be one
And our love will ever endure

Then I'll need you, and I'll want you
And I'll find you someday
Then I'll love you, then I'll hold you
And I'll be with you always

Our love will be so strong and pure
You will make me feel like I have never felt before
You will be perfect only for me
You will make these eyes begin to see

Someday we'll fall in love
You'll be mine and I will be yours
Our hearts will be one
And our love will ever endure

Then I'll need you, and I'll want you
And I'll find you someday
Then I'll love you, then I'll hold you
And I'll be with you always

Your faith for the Lord will be strong
Even though I know the wait is long
And though I'm young I still believe
That you're out there praying for me

Then I'll need you, and I'll want you
And I'll find you someday
Then I'll love you, then I'll hold you
And I'll be with you always

Then I'll need you, and I'll want you
And I'll find you someday
Then I'll love you, then I'll hold you
And I'll be with you always

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:37 AM 0 comments


Friday, November 12, 2004

You're Beautiful 

by Paul Wright

The world is watching us from a distance
Wanting more from their own existence
Tell me how do we make a difference for eternity
Does anybody want to know why we're alive?

oh oh oh oh
What's the purpose of this life?
oh oh oh oh

Before i die and i leave the world behind
I want to know why i'm alive

You're created for the creator to live inside
There's a hole in your soul and i know that you try
To fill it with every little thing but the very one who can heal it
And bring hope to a world that wants to know why they're alive

Spirit cry for this generation (generation)
We're chasing the wind trying to embrace it
Open our eyes to all the lies that we try to justify when deep down inside
All we want to find is someone that loves us all of the time and it's you

Yea it's you oh oh
Only you
Yea it's you oh oh oh
You're beautiful came down from heaven just to save my save my soul
Beautiful oh oh oh oh oh
You're so beautiful
The people of this world are praising you and they are
Beautiful oh oh oh oh
You're so beautiful came down from heaven just save my save my save my soul
Beautiful oh oh oh oh oh
Now i am beautiful / you've made me so beautiful / now we're so beautiful

Do you wonder what your purpose is? Do you know who the Lord is? If you have any questions I will try my best to answer them...ok?
The Lord loves you and desires for you to know what your purpose is...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 9:27 PM 0 comments


two dreams...Could they become one?

posted by AshbyInLove @ 7:39 PM 0 comments


Ladies, this is for you all... 

Clothes By Barlowgirl

Clothes aren't what they used to be
They don't seem to fit you and me anymore
Modesty is out the door
Flaunting what we've got and more is in
Yeah it's in

They're saying
Don't ask why just wear what we say
You'll look like a model if you'll only obey
To get the attention, just do what we say

Pay so much for clothes so small
Was this shirt made for me or my doll?
Is this all I get?
I looked so hot but caught a cold
I was doing just what I was told
To fit in

We're saying let's ask why
Don't wear what they say
Don't want to be a model
They can't eat anyway
That kind of attention will fade with the day
So I'll stand up and say

Clothes that fit are fine
Won't show what's mine
Don't change my mind
I'll be fine

Why have we allowed to define our worth?
Why have we forgotten our brothers in Christ also struggle with temptation?
THEY struggle with the similar things that men of the world do...they are human. 
Why can't we think about our brothers when we got dress for church, or anything for that matter?
Why do we feel we have to dress to impress?
Ladies, we are to be women of noble character. Read Proverbs 31. 
We need to be women who seek out the love of our Father, Husband, Lover, Jesus Christ. 
Are you trying to find worth in relationships? STOP! right there Ihave done that myself and you won't find. 
All you will find is a world of hurt, and the only way through it is the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
Don't leave Him out of your life. He longs to be by your side. Why not try to be ravished by the love of the Lord instead of from guys?
Ladies, I love you all. Some of you might not even know me, but the Lord brought you to this site toread this very post. 
The Lord only wants to take you to in His arms and love you. It doesn't matter what your past looks like. 
The Lord can mold you into the woman He so desires for you to become. Seek His forgiveness and make your first step to healing. 
My heart is to see the world changed. Ladies, you are my calling. I no longer want to see woman walking around thinking 
they are going to get themselves a guy, then complain when the guy doesn't treat them right. 
They won't respect you if you don't respect youself, and that should start with how you dress. Modesty is the key and love yourself!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 4:42 AM 1 comments


Thursday, November 11, 2004

Well, my melancholy/choleric side came out tonight. As I was looking into my pantry for something to eat. I thought, How could anyone find anything in here to eat? It looks SO disorganized. So, yes, I am taking the time to organize it for my family. It was horrible. Things everyone! Anyway, I thought I would let you all know what I am doing right now.  Funny, I know, but I don't want all my post to be serious. I have a life other then those serious moments. Don't get me wrong I love those moments, but I tend to forget to talk about the funny moments when I think God would also be laughing at me or with me. Who knows?

I hope the Lord is stretching and challenging you today and every day.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 9:04 PM 0 comments


Beautiful Name By Zoegirl

Your heart I seek to find
With Your hands You fashioned mine
Let me be used by you to carry out the truth
To the ends of the earth
'Til everyone's heard
My mended heart will share Your words
I will tell the world that You are God

I will run
I will fly
I will live to be a sacrifice
Through it all I'll rise above
Unafraid I will face what comes
I will run
I will fly
And for my faith I will live & die
I'll be strong - I will press on
For the sake of Your beautiful name
Your beautiful name

Should all life cease to grow
Should chaos take control
The only hope we know is You will save us
It's worth the cost to take up my cross
As You take back what's been lost
Until all who doubt know
You are God

I will run
I will fly
I will live to be a sacrifice
Through it all I'll rise above
Unafraid I will face what comes
I will run
I will fly
And for my faith I will live & die
I'll be strong - I will press on
For the sake of Your beautiful name
Your beautiful name

I'm not captive anymore
I'm gonna soar to a new place
Take on a new pace
I know what my life is for

I will run
I will fly
I will live to be a sacrifice
Through it all I'll rise above
Unafraid I will face what comes
I will run
I will fly
And for my faith I will live & die
I'll be strong - I will press on
For the sake of Your beautiful name
Your beautiful name

posted by AshbyInLove @ 2:25 AM 0 comments


Thank you, Father, for placing him in my life. I only desire to do this right. I have seen the mistakes of my past and I will never do them again. This person means too much to me.

I treasure...

every moment I have with him.

Every thought, it brings a smile to my face.

Every word...typed or speaken. I adore him for You have given him to me.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:57 AM 0 comments


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A look into the heart of a girl who has searched her whole life for someone to love her.

God, You gave him to me to cherish and adore. Thank you!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 9:02 PM 0 comments


Has anyone stopped to think...what from my past can God use? EVERYTHING!

What is haunting you from your past...God can use it to impact the future generations! Allow God to mold you into the person He has called you to be. Let Him place you in the fire. Honor Academy interns, you are in the fire right now! God is calling out to you, putting you through tough times (financial, spiritual, emotional, and physical), then He will be able to mold you into the person He so desires you to be as he prepares you to go out into the world of which you have been away from for a year.

Don't allow things you did in the past pull you away for what God has called you to do. Think a minute...how many of us can think back to a time when we did something we regret. I think everyone of us has done something we wished we wouldn't have. And to tell someone is just as hard, but it brings healing. So, allow your past to bring healing not only to yourself, but to others through your story of hope and ambition to seek the Lord with all your heart.

I love you all and hope this post made you think a little, because I know I did. This post wasn't from me it was from the Lord.

Father, bring healing to the hurting hearts, the troubled minds, the broken spirits, the fatherless, and the ones who just think their past is too bad to be used by God.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 2:41 PM 0 comments


I ADORE you!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:38 AM 0 comments


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

It is horrible how I allow people's opinions of something important to me determine how I feel about it. I get intimidated easily...I just noticed. What I have is great!! I enjoy every minute of it. I had a dream last night and refused to get up. I was somewhere I desired to be with someone dear to my heart. How you ever been there?

posted by AshbyInLove @ 8:20 PM 0 comments


Monday, November 08, 2004

Friends, I wasn't able to find Primrose today. It was my own fault. I didn't ask where they were located. So, I will be going to fill out an application TOMORROW. I can't wait to find out what the Lord has instore for me.

My grandpa said a few days ago, "You have a job around the corner". He spends alot of time with the Lord and seeks Him daily. So, I believe the Lord has great plans for me.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 7:13 PM 0 comments


HEY EVERYONE, I got a call from Primrose school of Copperfield (a children development center) this morning and they asked me to come in today and fill out an application and they would see what they could do. Keep praying! I feel the door has opened.

AND, To be honest the whole time I was working at Star Station I was wanting to be at Primrose. Sad, I know, but true. I really didn't like it there, but it was all I had at the time. And now that I am on call the Lord has just opened a door for me. I would really like for this door to stay opened. I would love working there! I worked at a Primrose before coming to the Honor Academy and when it came time for me the leave and come to the HA I cried. I didn't want to leave the children.

If you are reading this and you know me well. You would know how much I love children. Getting a job there would just make my day! Tell you the results soon!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 11:09 AM 0 comments


Father, comfort me. I feel alone right now...I just want to cry...I don't want to be selfish, but I miss him very much. Help me through this time of far distance. I don't like it at all!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:19 AM 0 comments


Sunday, November 07, 2004

Sarah Beth and Chris Lay, I don't know what to say.... I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!! Had either of you believed you would get married or even find the one you were to spend the rest of your life with while you were in college? I have always wanted to wait until after college to get married, but to be honest I don't know truly what God has instore for Chris Ashby and  I. My heart says, "Just wait and the time will be right." I guess I will find out sooner or later.  How did you know you were meant to be together? How did you go about it?

Everytime I have a chance to be alone at home my thoughts drift to the thought of never being alone again, standing by his side encouraging him every step of the way, having someone's arms around me, and seeking the Lord's path for us together. What does the Lord have instore? Only time and communication will tell. And Sarah, what you were told is true...Make your relationship your own...and I will add something to that...Don't go about your relationship based on what you see in other's relationships. Don't be afraid to express what is on your heart, because that is where the Lord lives within you.  I love you all!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 4:57 PM 0 comments


Last night my breath was taken away once again. "He understands! And he still loves me. I feel it more then ever." His encouragement helps water my love. The love You have planted grows stronger each day as we water it with our communication.

Thank you for sending someone into my life who looks at who am I now and doesn't focus on past sins. You are in our conversations each night and You draw us closer as each day passes.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 2:06 PM 0 comments


Friday, November 05, 2004

Been doing alot of thinking...I miss him!!!!
Give me the opportunity to see him. I miss his smiles and wonderful sense of humor. Right now we are both having a hard time saving money and even talking to each other because of jobs or lack there of. He has a job that isn't bringing much money in and right now I don't have one. Yes, that means I have no money. No money to save for college in the spring or for Christmas so I will be able to see him. Help me, Father! I cry out for your help.

My heart goes out to you, Chris. I am here praying for you.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 11:53 PM 0 comments


I can now relax. The paper is done and I can talk to people on the phone and online. I have missed you all very. Time to relax! YES!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 7:18 PM 0 comments


HEY EVERYONE! I finished my research paper...yeah,yeah! I pulled an all nighter to do it though. So you can imagine how sleepy I am right now. This is a time I am glad I don't have a job. Sad too at the same time..

Thanks everyone for your prayers. Just pray it was the quality my teacher wanted. I only want to do my best. I know I could have done better if I only hadn't procrastinated.

Well, now I am going to get some sleep. Talk to you all later today or tomorrow. Love you all... 

posted by AshbyInLove @ 7:05 AM 0 comments
