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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

>> credits:
layout. www.serendipityq.com

Sunday, February 27, 2005

As few of you might know I am involved in FAITH evangelism at my church here. It takes place every Sunday night at 5:00pm - 7:00pm...I had the great opportunity to make visits with my mom...yeah, that never happens... anyway, as we were trying to find out who to visit first we decided we were going to try to make one visit in my binder and also one from their binder as well...so, as we were going to our first visit...I looked across the street...you guessed it...I noticed a past CO-WORKER FROM 2 YEARS AGO!! Out of every visit we made that one...but let me tell you what made this visit so great...after making the main visit across the street from my co-worker..we went and talked to Georgia...and as we talked  found out they are HIRING at Primrose...the place where I got my first job...So,that was a divine appointment if they ever have been one in the history of man... 

I will be making my way there tomorrow and applying AGAIN... YES! Chris, I might have a job in just a few days... Thx everyone for praying for me...it is truly felt...God is SO good!

AND on top of that!!! My mom might have a job at Primrose as well... GOD IS REALLY GOOD!! 

posted by AshbyInLove @ 11:18 PM 0 comments


My heart breaks for my friends...those who are trying to fight ALONE...trying to stop things they know they CAN'T STOP on their own, but haven't cried, "HELP!"

 I can say this...I talked to someone tonight who soon opened up and was honest about what was going on in her life...hey, thanks for being honest, Girl! I love you so much and don't want to see you fall back and/or hear that you are listening to the lies of Satan. Allow the chains to come off...the chains Satan have secretly placed on your hand and legs...BREAK THE CHAINS LORD!!!!!

We all need to STAND STRONG in our FAITH, HOPE, AND TRUST in the LORD!! Stop believing the lies...when you so strongly know they aren't true...The Lord is stronger the ANYONE...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 10:59 PM 0 comments


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pray for me...I have my first exam in US History today...second quiz in Math on Wednesday...first Sociology exam on Thursday...I have been working hard to prepare, but I still don't think I am fully prepared ...When you take some time in prayer think about me, ok?

posted by AshbyInLove @ 6:22 PM 0 comments


Friday, February 18, 2005

Yeah, I know it is time that I should be in bed and all , but I have something on my mind... I received this call from Carrie (a leader in the Preschool Ministry at the Met) asking if I would be interested in being an assistant teacher for the 5 year old Sunday school class. hmmm...

I had applied to work in the Student Ministry...things just don't seem to be working out there...I think God is changing my course just a little. So, as I was getting ready for bed I felt the Lord asking me this..."Maybe this is your place...your heart is to teacher. I haven't told you you aren't going to teacher anyone. You are still available to put together a Bible Study for the College Ministry...Have you still put some thought into that?" I would have to be honest I hadn't really put as much thought into it as I had been planning to when I came back from the Honor Academy...so, I feel this is a way the Lord is going to show me He still wants me to start a Bible study...

Well, as for the Bible Study...it will be for the females...we will most likely be covering "Lady In Waiting". I was told last Sunday that many of the girls already had the book...so I think the Lord was slowly trying to give me hints to through with it...Please be praying things are made truly clear. I only desire to be on His Will.

As for college, classes are going well... I am doing much better then last week...Thx for all the prayers that have been going up for me... I am truly blessed to have friends like you all.

The Psalm for Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005:

vs. 5-8 "Uphold my steps in Your paths, that my footsteps may not slip. I have called upon You, for You will hear me, O God; incline Your ear to me, and hear my speech. Show Your marvelous lovingkindness by Your right hand, O You who save those who trust in You from those who rise against them. Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me under the shadow of Your wings."

vs. 15 "As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness."

posted by AshbyInLove @ 2:21 AM 0 comments


Monday, February 14, 2005



I am holding you close on this Valentine's Day. The day left aside for those people in love to show their love to a special someone. I show My love to you everyday...in the sun rise, sun set, every star, flower, and within you. You are a creation I took great time creating.

For those who don't feel loved, just know there is someone BIGGER then anyone you can see there on earth who loves you more then you could have ever dreamed. Don't ever begin to think no one loves you. I love you unconditionally...My love is forever!

For those who have given Me their whole life. I love you! Just as much as I love those who have not. There are no words that can explain who proud of you I am. Everything you have wanted, you have placed at My feet...placed into My hands to care and look after.

Allow this Valentine's Day to be a day you fall in love with Me again...You might feel alone, because your love isn't with you, but I am...I am with you....within you. Fall into my arms once again and allow Me to embrace you and pour My love on you...The one you so long to be with IS HERE...I am within him...so therefore you have a part of him within you...because that part you share in common IS ME. That is what brought you two together. I brought he into your life....I placed the same desire within your heart and his heart...I did this because I LOVE YOU! I show you My love for you in everything you see. Sometimes you don't see it...but I LOVE YOU!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 2:52 PM 0 comments


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

It is amazing when you ask God to give you a sign and he makes it LOUD and CLEAR in a song you have heard over and over...now the song has a new meaning...I have been struggling with Satan bring up fear of being hurt...with memories of past hurts I had experienced in relationships...God has truly made it clear to me...I asked Him if it is truly what I feel it is then this song would be played on the radio...well, I just after I turned on my radio that very song came on...

WHEN GOD MADE YOU by Newsong & Natalie Grant...

(Verse 1)

Its always been a mystery to me
How two hearts can come together
And love can last forever
But now that I have found you, I believe
That a miracle has come
When God sends the perfect one
Now gone are all my questions about why
And Ive never been so sure of anything in my life

I wonder what God was thinking
When He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
When God made you
He must have been thinking about me

(Verse 2)
I promise that wherever you may go
Wherever life may lead you
With all my heart Ill be there too
From this moment I want you to know
Ill let nothing come between us
And I will love the ones you love
Now gone are all my question about why
And Ive never been so sure of anything in my life

(Repeat Chorus)

He made the sun He made the moon
To harmonize in perfect tune
One cant move without the other
They just have to be together
And that is why I know its true
Youre for me and Im for you
Cause my world just cant be right
Without you in my life

(Repeat Chorus)

He mustve heard every prayer Ive been praying
Yes He knew everything I would need
When God made you
When dreams come true
When God made you
He mustve been thinking about me

God had truly made it clear to me...FIGHT hard against what Satan doesn't want to happen...Pray for this relationship...because when two become one you and I are going to impact the world for Christ...and that is why Satan wants to destory it...Other friends who might be going through the same thing...STAND STRONG! You aren't the only ones going through it...we are all in this together...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 2:54 PM 0 comments
