A woman who will seek out the Lord with all of her heart. Call upon the Lord for guidance. Cry out to Him for wisdom.


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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

>> credits:
layout. www.serendipityq.com

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Be praying the Lord moves in the hearts of the people of my church back in Houston to help me financially. Thank you guys for all your prayers. This is the email I sent out to my Met family:

Dear Met Family,
I am the daughter of Mike and Rhonda Walston, faithful members of the Met family, and I am emailing you with a prayer request. I am in GREAT need of the rest of my funds for the Honor Academy. I am not going to state how much, because whether I say how much God knows what my need is. Please be lifting me up in your prayers. This year at the Honor Academy has changed my life so much and I feel it is my duty to have all my funds in before I make all my plans to graduate August 14, 2004. I have been informed that if all my funds are NOT in I will NOT be graduating with many of my friends. Also my plans for next year are to go to college at Willowchase Community College in the Fall semester, and then go to Vietnam in Spring 2005 to be a nanny for missionary children. I have already had a family in Vietnam ask for me to come, but the application process takes 2 months. Please be praying for me as I prepare to return home and all the other things that need to happen in order for me to go to Vietnam in the spring. Thank you all for your prayers. They’re greatly appreciated! May the Lord bless you all abundantly.

Leigh-Anne Walston

P.S. If the Lord leads you to send me any funds just ask my parent about how to do so. The funds have to be in by Aug. 9th and NO later. If they are not in, like I stated in the email, I will not be graduating with my class or even at all. Again thanks you for all your prayers and financial support.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 12:01 AM 0 comments


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Hey everyone!!  I just thought I would say this one thing: What would you like to know about my missions trip? I don't want to fire hose you all. God did amazing things in New York. I can tell you one thing: lives were changed and they will never be the same again. Praise the Lord for what He has done in the lives of the people of New York. I have a few stories of my own and if you would like to know just ask me to post it and I will. I don't want to post something no one wants to read. I hope you all understand. And if I took the time to type all about my missions trip it would take much of my precious time I have left with my friends here at the Honor Academy. Time that I really don't have. Again I hope you all understand, many of you would. Hope you all have awesome questions! Peace out bros and sistaz!!! 

posted by AshbyInLove @ 8:30 PM 0 comments


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

What do you do when you allow your emotions to get the best of you? I have allowed that to happen and I am crying out to God for help.

 There are words I can type, but I am better off keeping it to myself and You. I am so confused, but yet I'm not. I know exactly what is going on inside of me. Please help me not to be caught up in the thought of what life will be like after the internship. I am here to focus on You and what He want me to do with my life. I don't want to allow my emotions to take me off my course. Thank You, Daddy!!!

As few of you know, I have been given the opportunity to go to Vietnam in Spring 2005. Please be praying for me as I go home to prepare for the next step in my life. Also pray that I don't allow anything to detract me. Thanks for your prayers!!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 11:54 AM 1 comments


Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Surprise!!! I'm posting!!!
My TL gave me permission to check my email and post on my blog! Is that cool, or what? Well, let me tell you what the Lord is doing in the lives of my MAG and myself. In the email I sent Jeffrey I asked the Dinner Crew to pray for them. Their names are Melissa, Mescha, and Gloria. Mescha is the youngest missionary I have, but she is 15. So, my missionary advisor group is put together of older girls.
Prayer requests:
Melissa, she is very shy and wants to very much get out of that shell of shyness.
Mescha, she is struggling with having confidence in the words she is lead to say.
and, Gloria, she is my oldest missionary and says she wants to challenge me during the trip. Gloria was an MA candidate, but was not chosen to be an MA. She is so awesome and I'm glad I have someone who will challenge daily. It is good to know she is doing this in order to see me grow. One last thing, I was reading Gloria's testimony and this girl has gone through a lot and the Lord is going to use her to change many lives in New York. Please be praying for boldness to be placed deep down inside her and that she will be courageous and not be afraid of sharing what the Lord has done in her life.
Each one of the girl is going to be used by the Lord to change lives, but please be praying for our safety we will be ministering in the hardest area of New York.
The New York team heads out tommorrow morning at 2:00am. So, please be praying that we can get good rest at some time during the trip. Thanks for everything! And I can't wait to tell you all about what the Lord did in New York and in the lives of the team. The Lord is going to move in the lives of the people of New York and I can't wait!!!!!! Go New York! The Lord is coming so you all should better watch out. New York watch your backs, oh, wait! The Lord is watching your back so you have nothing to worry about. Go New York!!!! Peace out, friends!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 6:30 PM 2 comments


Thursday, July 08, 2004

Tonight,I decided I would post something before I head to my room and finish packing for my missions trip to New York. I won't be posting for 2 weeks. All I can say is I will have alot to say when I get back!
Please be praying for my team that the Lord will use us to change lives and that we would be willing to do whatever it takes to do so. Thanks for your prayers!!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 10:44 PM 0 comments


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I will miss you all these 2 weeks. I will be starting my mission trip to New York on July 7th and will be coming back July 25th.

DKC Augusts, I can't believe I will only have 15 days left with you when I return back from my mission trip. Each and everyone of you have made an impact on my life forever. Jeffrey and Albert, your leadership has been inspirational. Neil, your quiet words of wisdom are amazing and your laughter brighter everyone's day. Mike, your laughs brighter up a room. Chris, your friendship is awesome and I know that when I need someone to pray for me you are there. Thanks for being brother!! Katrina, our conversations were amazing and informational. You're amazing!!

Januaries, dig into the lessons you have learned this summer and your first semester. Be good examples of what you have learned this past semester to the incoming Augusts.

May the Lord bless your endeavors!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 10:17 AM 0 comments


Friday, July 02, 2004

I miss my family. I wish I could be with them today as they spend time with my grandmother, Pappy, and talk about Granddaddy and all the funny things he did when he was alive. I MISS YOU, GRANDDADDY!!! I wish I could see your smile and have one of your hugs. You made me feel like a princess like one else and no one can take the place of a grandfather's love. Many people who have lost a grandparent know what I'm going through, but for those who haven't it's really hard when it comes to the time of the one year anniverary of their death. It hits you harder then you would ever think. I didn't think it would be hard, but every time I'm not doing anything I think about my grandfather and the fun things I did with him and Pappy when I was younger and even before he got ill. Before he found out he had cancer I had the wonderful opportunity to spend a week with him and Pappy. They had come to be with my mom while she had gone in for surgery. I had been given the day of my mom's surgery off from work, so I stayed and spent that time with my grandparents. I didn't think that would be one of my last times to be with both of my grandparent. Please be praying for my family throughout this day, especially my grandmother. Thanks you all for your prayer.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 4:24 PM 0 comments


A year from today Granddaddy passed away. My grandpa was an awesome man of God!!!

I love you, Granddaddy. I miss you so much. I know you are watching over me this very moment. You were smiling down on me when I was having my graduation defense. You cried along with me. I know you didn't want me to have gone through all these events, but God knew it would happen, and how much I would change and grow through this all. Thank you, Granddaddy, for being there for me when you were here on earth. One thing I do know is you are not in pain any longer, and I praise God for healing you even though it meant taking you away from us. I pray you are enjoying your time in heaven, because I know you would more then likely enjoy singing sing songs with Elvis. ; )

posted by AshbyInLove @ 12:32 PM 0 comments
