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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

>> credits:
layout. www.serendipityq.com

Sunday, March 06, 2005

hello friends,

I have come down with a sickness...cold or flu or something. To be honest I haven't felt this bad in years. I feel light-headed...and all that stuff.  I am posting about this to ask for prayer. Pray that I will be given the day off of work...I am planning on calling my workplace to get the day off...I work with children, so I am hoping they will give me the day off...PLEASE pray for me this week. Thx my brothers and sisters in the Lord...The Lord has the power. The Bible says where 2 or more are gathered there the Lord is in the midst...(it goes something like that)

Well, I have things to take care of before tomorrow...Anyone need prayer as well? I would like to be praying for you...Let me know...if it is personal...email me, ok?

LamadOhana, I haven't heard from many of you... How are things going? I miss hearing what the Lord is doing in your life...Let a sister know these things...

one last thing...hehehe...I kind of doubt I have heard from everyone who can now court...GI...let me know so I can be praying for you and your loved one...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 12:17 PM


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