What is going on in your life?
I have the answer to whatever you are going through...
JESUS...seek Him out and He will guide you...Don't leave Him out of your life...Focus on Him this coming year and many years to come...He is the reason we live and why our hearts beat...
For those who have begun to fall back...run to the Father...He longs to be close to YOU once again...He loves you and will do everything for you to understand His love for you...
What is it you are going through? Is it something you have placed in the Lord's hands? If so, leave it there where it belongs...We can't control our own lives...as much as we want to...We can't...our lives belong to God and always will...
Focus on the WORLD this year...what are you doing to change it for the Lord? His Kingdom? Are you growing deeper? Drawing closer?
What is the purpose the Lord has called you to do? Are you doing all you can to be prepared for that calling? Going to college? working? what? What are you doing with your life?
I know I have asked many questions, but the questions weren't only for me, but for you all as well. If you are reading this the Lord has guided you to this site to read this post. Think about the questions...and spending time with the Lord and seek His face...ask Him to show you His love for you if you do not feel it...He will...He has for me and I have no doubts He will do the same for you.
I hope you all had a GREAT Christmas this year...