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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

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layout. www.serendipityq.com

Friday, November 12, 2004

Ladies, this is for you all... 

Clothes By Barlowgirl

Clothes aren't what they used to be
They don't seem to fit you and me anymore
Modesty is out the door
Flaunting what we've got and more is in
Yeah it's in

They're saying
Don't ask why just wear what we say
You'll look like a model if you'll only obey
To get the attention, just do what we say

Pay so much for clothes so small
Was this shirt made for me or my doll?
Is this all I get?
I looked so hot but caught a cold
I was doing just what I was told
To fit in

We're saying let's ask why
Don't wear what they say
Don't want to be a model
They can't eat anyway
That kind of attention will fade with the day
So I'll stand up and say

Clothes that fit are fine
Won't show what's mine
Don't change my mind
I'll be fine

Why have we allowed to define our worth?
Why have we forgotten our brothers in Christ also struggle with temptation?
THEY struggle with the similar things that men of the world do...they are human. 
Why can't we think about our brothers when we got dress for church, or anything for that matter?
Why do we feel we have to dress to impress?
Ladies, we are to be women of noble character. Read Proverbs 31. 
We need to be women who seek out the love of our Father, Husband, Lover, Jesus Christ. 
Are you trying to find worth in relationships? STOP! right there Ihave done that myself and you won't find. 
All you will find is a world of hurt, and the only way through it is the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
Don't leave Him out of your life. He longs to be by your side. Why not try to be ravished by the love of the Lord instead of from guys?
Ladies, I love you all. Some of you might not even know me, but the Lord brought you to this site toread this very post. 
The Lord only wants to take you to in His arms and love you. It doesn't matter what your past looks like. 
The Lord can mold you into the woman He so desires for you to become. Seek His forgiveness and make your first step to healing. 
My heart is to see the world changed. Ladies, you are my calling. I no longer want to see woman walking around thinking 
they are going to get themselves a guy, then complain when the guy doesn't treat them right. 
They won't respect you if you don't respect youself, and that should start with how you dress. Modesty is the key and love yourself!

posted by AshbyInLove @ 4:42 AM


I agree with you girl! One thing I hate is when girls dress all scantly and stuff. It makes my walk with Christ 10 time harder and then I will just avoid that girl for a while because I am scared of falling into the mindset before I was saved.

Hmm...helpful hint to help you get more posts...go to other blog sites. I see that you have gotten rid of the Nav Bar on the top, but if you go to my site and simply use it (near the top of the screen) and click next blog, you will run into a random blogger somewhere (many are girls, and some have sick minds). Thought that might help. Selah!
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