A woman who will seek out the Lord with all of her heart. Call upon the Lord for guidance. Cry out to Him for wisdom.


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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

>> credits:
layout. www.serendipityq.com

Friday, September 17, 2004

My heart longs for...
My mind has thoughts of...
why do I miss this ...?
Why does this ... have to be so distant?
So far away...
Bring it closer, O God!
I long to be in...
Not having to worry, is this the last one I will...?
The only one I will... for the rest of time?
O God, give me guidance...
I don't want to give my heart to...
Is this were the search will end for...?

I have left out one word...figure it out... :) This is something the readers are going to have to really think about when they read this...Karen, if you are reading this post.Please really think about what I wrote...I feel you will understand right away what the missing word is...you know I am here for you, but don't make a mistake about "it", ok? please email me and tell me what you thought about the post...anyone can for that matter...I miss everyone of you internships, alumni, and noneo Teen Mania friends who might be looking at this website... I would love to hear how you are doing...leave a commment if you can...
Could the word be "Love"? You all come up with your own thoughts on the post you are reading...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 12:18 AM


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