Monday, September 27, 2004
Have you ever lived your life thinking you knew what God was calling you to do?
Then He tells you to do something you could never see yourself doing?
What are your fears?
Do you feel you aren't equipped to do what He has called you?
Like Ron Luce says, "God doesn't call the Equipped, but equips the Called."
Truly think about that, what has He called you to do that is so large in your eyes? You aren't called to do it alone... That is why we have God! Don't leave Him out of your life and decisions...Walk through the door He has opened for you...Don't be afraid to leave what you have to in order to do His will for your life...If you aren't asked to go up what you have...What do you have to fear?
posted by AshbyInLove @ 12:23 AM