Cry, if you need to...
Don't hold in the emotions...
Don't allow yourself to keep telling people you are fine...
When you know you aren't...
If your heart grieves let it cry out to the Father...
He might not feel near by, but please don't go by feeling...
Our relationship with the Father should not be based on...
How you are feeling...
You will go through hard times...
If you are feeling attacked...
It could mean strongly you are doing something right With your life...
If you are at some place and are struggling with situations around you...
Stand strong...
God will give you the strength...
And yes, sometime you will not want prayer...
But that could be the most important thing to do during a time like that...
Even if you can't speak...
The Lord knows what is on your heart...
Don't feel you always need to say something...
There are times when the Lord speaks the most when we have nothing to say at all...