Many of you might not have known how I was in need of money for my college textbooks. My books for the classes aren't cheap. All praises go to the Lord!! I received $300 today!! I now have money for all my books and more. I think the Lord for providing for my needs. Don't forget He can do the same for you.
Keep praying and expect Him to do something grand. Don't limit God for anything. He will prove Himself faithful. Call upon Him for strength, comfort, energy, understanding, wisdom, and most importantly His presence to pour down upon you. If you are calling upon Him for something and you aren't getting any response. It is most likely not His timing for whatever it is or He desires for you to keep calling upon Him for help and guidence for whatever it is. Don't give up! God can do anything!!
He is our Father and wants us to run to Him for anything. You are His child!