Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Surprise!!! I'm posting!!!
My TL gave me permission to check my email and post on my blog! Is that cool, or what? Well, let me tell you what the Lord is doing in the lives of my MAG and myself. In the email I sent Jeffrey I asked the Dinner Crew to pray for them. Their names are Melissa, Mescha, and Gloria. Mescha is the youngest missionary I have, but she is 15. So, my missionary advisor group is put together of older girls.
Prayer requests:
Melissa, she is very shy and wants to very much get out of that shell of shyness.
Mescha, she is struggling with having confidence in the words she is lead to say.
and, Gloria, she is my oldest missionary and says she wants to challenge me during the trip. Gloria was an MA candidate, but was not chosen to be an MA. She is so awesome and I'm glad I have someone who will challenge daily. It is good to know she is doing this in order to see me grow. One last thing, I was reading Gloria's testimony and this girl has gone through a lot and the Lord is going to use her to change many lives in New York. Please be praying for boldness to be placed deep down inside her and that she will be courageous and not be afraid of sharing what the Lord has done in her life.
Each one of the girl is going to be used by the Lord to change lives, but please be praying for our safety we will be ministering in the hardest area of New York.
The New York team heads out tommorrow morning at 2:00am. So, please be praying that we can get good rest at some time during the trip. Thanks for everything! And I can't wait to tell you all about what the Lord did in New York and in the lives of the team. The Lord is going to move in the lives of the people of New York and I can't wait!!!!!! Go New York! The Lord is coming so you all should better watch out. New York watch your backs, oh, wait! The Lord is watching your back so you have nothing to worry about. Go New York!!!! Peace out, friends!
posted by AshbyInLove @ 6:30 PM