A woman who will seek out the Lord with all of her heart. Call upon the Lord for guidance. Cry out to Him for wisdom.


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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

>> credits:
layout. www.serendipityq.com

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Don't worry about the end of the year coming and the friends you will miss; really our lives are just beginning and those who keep in touch from now on will be friends for life (or at least I hope so).

The Bible says in 1st Peter 5:7
"You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon HIM, for you are HIS personal concern."

And about missing the friends you have made here well, the Bible says in Ps. 34:18
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; HE rescues those who are crushed in spirit."

Go before the Lord about your worries and He will hold you close when you cry.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 12:35 PM


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