A woman who will seek out the Lord with all of her heart. Call upon the Lord for guidance. Cry out to Him for wisdom.


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Matthew 10:22: A Journal

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Saturday, April 30, 2005

I don't know what to say...why do Christians come across prideful? Is it because we can't seem to leave people alone when they just don't want to listen to what we have to say anymore? Respect thae fact they want you to leave them alone and leave it in the hands of the Lord.
Pray your heart out....for the Lord to open to...maybe someday they will return to you askimg questions...just PRAY!

James 5:16 "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous manavails much."

Pray this for your "friend" and over yourself....take serious the Word. I pray the Lord will open a door and the person you were once friends with will find the Lord. also that someone will speak with him/her and help he/she find the Lord. I place this in the Lord's hand...it is in his control.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 5:46 PM 0 comments


Saturday, April 16, 2005

Did you ever try to find love on your own? YES

Did you find it? NO

Or did you find it once you let go of the controls and allowed the Lord to lead your life? YES!!!!

Why do you think you will find the love of your life when "you" do the searching?

Why can't you leave it to God to lead the special someone into your lives? I stopped looking about 3 years ago...AND look what God gave me!!

Just to give you a little info...so this will make sense...I always wanted to get married to a TALL, BLUE-EYED, BLONDE... AND look!! God added the Canadian into my life... I love Chris Ashby so much it brings a smile to my face and even makes me cry thinking about our future together...

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posted by AshbyInLove @ 1:15 PM 0 comments


Saturday, April 09, 2005

When I meet you...oh how the love has grown...distance cannot even tear us apart...

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our love grows stronger each day...knowledge of our likes and dislikes also grows...time draws us closer...God has placed you in my path to some day grow old with and I look forward to that...I smile every time I think about it. God knew exactly who I would need...He made you while thinking about me...God has blessed me with a precious gift...the gift of your love for me...

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posted by AshbyInLove @ 8:56 PM 0 comments


I understand that the times will get hard and you will lose track of what He has called you to do with your life.

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Stand Strong, Beloved. Follow the "path" the Lord leads your steps to embrace in faith. 

Life gets busy and schedules grab a hold on us and we stray away from what our purpose is, but we must come together and stand strong with eachother.

 Be praying for me...I desire to stay focused on the calling He has placed on my life, but Satan is "trying" to pull me away. I am fighting!! He has been trying to throw other things at me to take time away from the Lord...like college & work. That is where ALOT of my time has been going towards. Satan will NOT win this battle, because I have people behind me praying for me. Like I try to say to everyone is "Stand Strong, Beloved!" Now I need to take my own advice and "stand strong" myself! Let me know who is behind me or is in the same boat as I, so I can pray for you or pray a blessing over you for praying for me.

Friends, I love you all so very much.

posted by AshbyInLove @ 12:10 PM 0 comments


Saturday, April 02, 2005


I have been feeling inadequate Why do I feel that way?

I have no doubt this feeling is from Satan and I ask You cast him to the depths of the sea!

Ps. 29:4 "The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of majesty."

vs.7 "The voice of the Lord divides the flames"

vs.11 "The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace."

I am NOT inadequate! God has a BIG plan for me...I just need to step in faith. And for those who have been feeling this way as well...you too need to step in faith! That, I think, is when the Lord reveals more of Himself to us...because we must lean on Him for strength and comfort.


On a more personal note...

I am now having to drive my mom to work...why? well, my car is in the shop and to be honest I have any clue why...all I do know is my car DIDN'T want to go into first gear. The car stopped in the turning lane of a very busy intersection, here in the city.  After placing my car in neutral and getting it pushed by my dad ALL THE WAY home. I was on my way to work in my dad's car...well, I was an 1 hour and 30 minutes late for work..trust I didn't get in trouble. My boss was just happy to I was able to make it.  

So, yeah, I have a prayer request...that we will have the money to get the repairs done on my car...The whole family is down to driving 1 car, and we all go in 3-4 different directions a day! So, if you all could be praying...we would really love it...

posted by AshbyInLove @ 6:23 PM 0 comments
